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How does the Gigaspaces LRU eviction strategy cope with the G1 garbage collector?

Hi - if there is too much memory usage in a GSC then we want to unload data from a GigaSpace incrementally but in blocks of data that we choose, based on some criteria. LRU won't work for us because : a) You don't know what was evicted b) You end up with the data for a logical group being partially present c) You get to the threshold and Gigaspaces chooses the data to be evicted, not the app So the plan is to have a background thread that monitors the heap usage percentage. There will be a few memory usage thresholds (exact numbers configurable) 1. <50% Take no action 2. >50% Passive eviction (e.g. no users currently logged into that data segment) 3. >70% Aggressive eviction 4. >85% stop fast-moving data producers We wish to use G1 because of the more predictable pause times. We have seen >30 second GC pauses in the past, that results in a split brain problem. We would also like to use -XX:+UseStringDeduplication (or String.intern), because there can be quite high levels of duplication. However is probably going to cause a few problems that I'm guessing the GS LRU cache eviction must also suffer from, and we would like to know how Gigaspaces deals with this situation (perhaps with some better GC params?). I presume (from the docs here: http://docs.gigaspaces.com/xap102adm/lru-cache-policy.html) that the LRU evictor is also working from a simple heap usage percentage. The doc talks about the use of space-config.engine.memory_usage.explicit-gc which is to get around that fact that the garbage collector might not be proactive enough, e.g. doesn't do a collection until 90% heap, by which time the LRU would have been fully evicted. So (I presume) you lose performance (risk significant pauses) from triggering GC manually using space-config.engine.memory_usage.explicit-gc. I see that the recommended GC settings for LRU are to use CMS incremental mode, but this is deprecated in Java 8 with no replacement (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/java.html) LRU JVM settings: -Xmx2g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=1000 The Gigaspaces suggested Garbage collector is G1 here: http://docs.gigaspaces.com/sbp/moving-into-production-checklist.html So, after all that, I guess my basic questions are: How well does Gigaspaces LRU cache work well with G1? Does it sill need explicit-gc in order to not clear the cache unnecessarily? Does explicit-gc on G1 cause pause problems? Do explicit gc calls still try to keep to the G1 pause target? (-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis) or do you get STW problems with explicit GC calls? Gigaspaces must have had to consider all these for LRU to work. Thanks in advance Paul.

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