org.openspaces.core.* source code -- where?
Hi, I know the documentation says that the source code comes with a GigaSpaces download, but I can't find it. Thanks, Ben bcotton3@USD09022898> *pwd* /c/gigaspaces-xap-premium-9.0.1-ga...
View ArticleHow do you create a space that spans multiple machines?
I can't find an example of creating a space that spans multiple machines? How do I specify which machines the space will be deployed on? Is it just a matter of running gs-agent on all the machines...
View Articleproblems with maven plugin
Hello, I've installed the maven plugin according to the instructions given in [Maven Plugin]( However, the ''os' prefix is still...
View ArticleHow Backup space detects that Primary is not available?
Hello, I was under impression that Backup space understands that the Primary is not available, if it does not receive any signals from Primary for some time. But today we have done a test which makes...
View ArticleGetting this error- java.rmi.ConnectException: LRMI transport protocol over...
04-08-2017 18:22:17,854 [http-84-2] DEBUG com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PooledConnectionPool - Test of PooledConnection [com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection@1bdb9c9] on CHECKOUT has SUCCEEDED....
View ArticleJetty 9 container in Gigaspaces 12.1
Hi, I've following the instructions on updating Gigaspaces 12.1.1-17121 to use Jetty 9 as outlined here:...
View ArticleApache Camel Integration
Hi, I am able to perform a Mule integration successfully. Now I would also like to explore a potential integration with Apache Camel. There appears to be a Camel Component called javaspace. And the...
View ArticleGigaspaces 12.1 and Jetty 9
Hi, I'm following the instructions on updating Gigaspaces 12.1.1-17121 to use Jetty 9 as outlined here:
View ArticleMirror use in two datacenters
We have been using the mirror feature successfully. However when testing with 2 datacenters each DB store its own data. Is there a way in which we can use the mirror feature accross datacenters? If so,...
View ArticleDeterministic deployment once more
We are using deterministic deployment as described in "XAP Administrators Guide", but it does not work exactly as we would like. We would like to have the following run-time behaviour: (1) When the...
View ArticleDurable Notifications CPU spike
Hi, I recently enabled Durable Notifications and saw some CPU spikes leading to PUs becoming unresponsive and then being restarted. I enabled durable notifications by calling .durable(true) on the...
View ArticleCan NotifyContainer miss events on primary failover?
Using a 2 partition partitioned-sync2backup remote space, so 2 primaries and 2 backups. Lets say I have a NotifyContainer which is listening to the 2 primary partitions through a clustered space proxy....
View ArticleMonografias Prontas, Dissertacao de Mestrado, Tese de Doutorado
Ao final de cursos de graduação, pós-graduação, mestrado e doutorado, e mesmo outros tipos exemplos de monografia prontas ( cursos, é praxe que a instituição ministrante...
View ArticleDoes it make sense to have more than 2 LUS / GSM?
Hello, is it possible to have more than 2 LUS / GSM in a grid? If this is technically possible, does it make sense? On the first glance the more LUS / GSM instances are in a grid, the more robust...
View ArticleException after "space" bean initialization
I'm trying to store data to Posgresql with XAP. Application was implemented using SpringBoot 1.2.5 and the last XAP. I have tried to init GigaSpace using a bean in xml file, in a java code and with a...
View ArticleUse LUS to discover PUs
Hi, I understand that we can use LUS to connect to space or identify a space. But is there any way i can use LUS to check if a particular PU is up or not ?
View ArticleProblem with mirroring some data to sql db
I trying to sync xap with PG. Is it possible to do that with remote space? Here is my configuration: [on Pastebin](
View ArticleFIFO for leaseExpire in notify container
Hi, In GS 11 it seems that we can't manage to get FIFO notifications for leaseExpire in a notify container. Or data class has @SpaceClass(fifoSupport = FifoSupport.ALL) and the container has...
View Articleuse admin api to start gsa
Hi team, is there any way to deploy GSA using admin API with 10x version ?
View ArticlePackers And Movers Hyderabad Are The Soil Of Your Happy Move.
When the soil is good then the plant growing on it will be good and will be in better condition. If soil of a plant is mixed by few chemicals then the plant will be destroyed afterwards as if the...
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